Tuesday 6 January 2015

IH: Contribution to Post Production

I worked with Georgia almost every lesson during the editing process, often taking turns to do the rough and final editing, helping each other through technical issues such as the lag delay towards the end of the editing where the computer was becoming overloaded with data and was impossible to edit on. Specifically, I did the majority of the rough cut for the outdoor scene in the day and Georgia did the fine editing, such as timings of cuts in relation to music etc. I then did the fine editing for the outdoor scene at night, as well as time rearranging during the kitchen scene and some minor fine editing in the bedroom. I also colour corrected the entire project using DaVinci Resolve Lite.

I volunteered multiple ideas for the digipak, and took the images for the album cover and half page spread using my Canon 600D. Furthermore I took the image on the front pane of the front cover, colour corrected it, applied various burn/dodge effects to enhance the interesting light on his face, organised the text and then sent it to Alex for adding to the final cover. I was involved with the half page spread as I applied some various corrections to it after Gwen created the concept, draft and essentially completed it. I aligned text, changed various fonts and colouring using downloaded plugins, and changed the formatting of the text.

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